
Intro to Affordable Housing Development and Finance (Learning Lab)

Host: Housing California


This event is a Learning Lab on Day 1 of the Housing California 2022 Conference taking place April 4-6, 2022.

Affordable housing project development is a complicated, challenging, long and iterative process. A successful project requires a team of organizations and individuals with specialized expertise from different disciplines and professions, that work closely together during multiple stages. Because development involves considerable financial risk, developers need a deep understanding of project proformas in addition to requiring careful coordination with development teams. But where do you start?

This learning lab provides a basic overview of the affordable housing development process within its dominant financing framework of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and companion State funding sources. It focuses on the typical lifecycle of development, the roles of key development team members, and major issues and questions those newer to the profession may face. Attendees will also receive a basic primer on elements of a financial pro forma and basic underwriting, including how hard and soft debt sources interact to make the projects affordable and financially viable over the long term.