Sponsored Bills
Co-sponsored by the California Housing Partnership. Please take action today to put the sample letter(s) for each bill on your letterhead, upload each letter to the Legislature’s Position Letter Portal, and send copies to mstivers@chpc.net.
AB 1288 (Quirk-Silva) Allowing state LIHTC to be used with 4% or 9% credits
- AB 1288 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- AB 1288 Sample Letter (Word) 02/2022
AB 1850 (Ward) Minimum standards for JPA middle income acquisitions
- AB 1850 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- AB 1850 Sample Letter (Word) 02/2022
AB 1911 (Gabriel) Affordable Housing Preservation Tax Credit
- AB 1911 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- AB 1911 Sample Letter (Word) 02/2022
AB 2006 (Berman) Streamlining of state compliance monitoring
- AB 2006 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- AB 2006 Sample Letter (Word) 02/2022
AB 2186 (Grayson) Impact fee reduction or waiver 50% reimbursement
- AB 2186 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- AB 2186 Sample Letter (Word) 03/2022
SB 948 (Becker) HCD pooled transition reserve
- SB 948 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- SB 948 Sample Letter (Word) 02/2022
Support Bills
AB 2011 (Wicks) The Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act – SUPPORT
April 20, 2022 Letter to Asm. Wicks
ACA 14