How Are CA’s Funding Programs Progressing on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing?
Between 2019 and 2021, the State of California adopted new policies to encourage production of family-serving affordable housing in “high-opportunity” neighborhoods with characteristics linked to upward mobility, college attendance, and other positive long-term outcomes for children. Historically, only a small share of family-serving affordable housing had been developed in these Read More
House Proposed HUD FY2021 Appropriations Bill as of 7/7/2020
Thanks to the hard work of many affordable housing advocates, the House subcommittee handling HUD appropriations proposed adding $1.5 billion for FY2021. The increased allocations would allow nearly every HUD program to either maintain or increase funding levels. The proposal also includes stimulus funding in the FY2021 HUD Funding Package.
Summary of Housing Provisions in HR 2, the Moving Forward Act of 2020
The House infrastructure bill includes many of the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) provisions we have been working on for years as well as several more recent COVID-19 priorities. If passed by Congress and signed by the President, HR 2 would include the following housing provisions.
CPD FY2020 CARES Act Formula Grants: California
CPD FY2020 CARES Act Formula Grants: California
CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Payments to CA State & Local Governments
CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Payments to CA State & Local Governments
CAHP Letter on COVID-19 Federal Requests (4/27/2020)
The COVID-19 pandemic reveals how critical safe, stable, and affordable homes are to our communities’ ability to get and stay healthy. While every Californian has had their life upended by COVID-19, the state’s 3.4 million lower-income renter households are bearing the brunt of the growing economic impacts of this crisis. As Read More
COVID-19 Letter from California Gov. Gavin Newsom to Speaker Pelosi
April 8th letter from California Governor Gavin Newsom to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, requesting bold federal action to address the COVID-19 emergency in five specific areas, including housing and homelessness.