Fast Facts
- 42% of all Californians rent their homes.
- Profile of households living in affordable housing in California:
- – Nearly 80% of households include an elderly person
- – 20% struggle with physical and/or mental disabilities
- – 32% are families with children
- Nearly 1 million low-income households do not have access to available, affordable rental housing.
Housing at Risk
The shortage of affordable homes in California cannot be reversed by new construction alone; we must ensure existing affordable homes remain affordable to those who need them most. CHPC estimates that 57,000 of the existing federally subsidized affordable APARTMENTS in California are at risk of conversion to market rate in the next five years. CHPC works in several ways to make sure these homes remain affordable to low-income Californians.
Read the full CHPC report, “2014 Statewide At-Risk Summary”
CHPC’s Preservation Clearinghouse is the state’s most comprehensive source of information on subsidized affordable housing at risk of losing its affordable status and converting to market-rate housing. CHPC maintains the only comprehensive database of all HUD subsidized properties, USDA Section 515 rural properties, and properties financed with Low Income Housing Tax Credits in California. CHPC uses the database to identify affordable properties that are at risk and should be targeted for preservation.
Local Preservation Strategies
CHPC works to uncover regional trends and to engage with local governments, nonprofit developers, tenant advocates and other partners to develop local preservation strategies. Click here to learn about these efforts.
The Preservation Program is building a voice for California’s affordable housing industry in state and national policy debates. CHPC is an active member of the National Preservation Working Group, which has developed a federal policy platform of new strategies and solutions to preserve affordable housing. Closer to home, CHPC serves as facilitator of the California Preservation Working Group, which is comprised of affordable housing advocates, including legal and tenant organizations, that work on local, state and national preservation issues.
CHPC publishes the monthly e-newsletter Housing Preservation News, which provides information to readers on preservation policy, legislation and strategies as well as case studies of preservation properties.
Sign up here to receive Housing Preservation News once a month.
For more information on CHPC’s Preservation Program, contact: James Pappas, Housing Policy and Preservation Associate, at (415) 433-6804, ext. 320,