A 2018 report by UC Berkeley’s Urban Displacement Project and the California Housing Partnership studied housing prices and demographic changes in the county from 2000 to 2015 to, among other things, understand trends producing “patterns of segregation and unequal access to high-resource neighborhoods that have defined the county’s racial and economic geography for decades.”
After Gov. Gavin Newsom rolled out his new coronavirus-decimated budget proposal this week, some affordable housing advocates expressed relief the damage wasn’t worse.
Real estate experts around the Bay Area knew the region’s red-hot housing market was due for a cool down, but few expected the deep freeze brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Matt Schwartz, president and CEO of the California Housing Partnership: “People who were previously not in need of assistance are now going to need it. People who previously needed some Read More
SOLANA BEACH, Calif. — When developer Ginger Hitzke first proposed an affordable housing complex on a parking lot in Solana Beach, she envisioned building 18 new homes for low-income families and adults at a cost of $414,000 per apartment. More than a decade later, her project has shrunk in size by nearly half and become more than twice as expensive. 4/9/2020: Twitter Read More
The reason African Americans and other minorities mostly live in South and West Berkeley can be traced back to government-supported racist housing practices.