Each year, thousands of California’s low-income renters are displaced from apartments that were previously affordable to them due to expiring regulatory agreements on government-subsidized affordable homes or conversions of older properties into market-rate rentals that price out lower income residents. This panel highlights the California Housing Partnership’s statewide and county-level analysis of data on at-risk affordable homes in the Bay Read More
Hear from Roadmap Home 2030 partners as the coalition looks ahead to the 2022 legislative session, discusses priorities for the year, and goes deep on the ups and downs of 2021. This event will be led by a panel of Roadmap coalition leaders and fellow advocates who will cover major takeaways from Year 1, answer open questions, and look ahead to Read More
Virtual tour and demonstration of California Housing Partnership’s Affordable Housing Map and Benefits Calculator tool. The California Affordable Housing Map and Benefits Calculator tool maps existing federal- and state-subsidized affordable housing and leverages academic literature to estimate benefits these affordable homes generate for both residents and surrounding communities, such as higher earnings, improved health for residents, and new jobs and tax Read More
(VIDEO RECORDING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4M5W-00nak) Join us on December 9th for an in-depth policy discussion about the state housing agencies’ approach to using affordable housing investments to advance the AFFH goals of reducing segregation and unequal access to opportunity. Panelists will discuss key findings from a new analysis of affordable housing property and resident data as well as recommendations for how the state Read More
View Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svwXLtFvunE In the second installment of the SOH Panel Series, Matt Schwartz presents a review of housing needs across LA County and LAHSA Commission Chair Jacqueline Waggoner moderates a panel (including Veronica Lewis, Ivet Samvelyan, Dora Leong Gallo, and Sasha Harnden) touching on how the pandemic has affected access to housing, how to increase permanent housing retention, and Read More
(VIDEO RECORDING: https://vimeo.com/647014930) The California Housing Partnership recently released new features and indicators in its Affordable Housing Map & Benefits Calculator data tool as part of a Phase II expansion which including new resources for upcoming affordable housing developments. Alongside the Partnership’s Housing Needs Dashboard, these online data tools provide users with the ability to view and share metrics on California’s Read More
A live demo on Day 2 of Housing California’s 2021 (Un)Conference: Homes, Health, and Wealth for All Californians, June 22-24 Join us for this 30-minute demonstration to learn the ins and outs of the California Housing Partnership’s two newest online data tools. Bring your questions on the features, content and research methodologies to have them answered: Affordable Rental Housing Benefits Read More
Every May during affordable housing month, SHA in partnership with the California Housing Partnership releases the annual needs report for Sacramento County, and other local jurisdictions. We are going live on May 12th at 12pm (via Facebook Live) to discuss the report and what this means for thousands of families in need of an affordable home in our region. Read More