Affordable Housing Map & Benefits Calculator

The California Affordable Housing Map and Benefits Calculator is a tool that maps California’s existing federal- and state-subsidized affordable housing and leverages academic literature to estimate the benefits these affordable homes generate for both residents and surrounding communities—such as higher earnings and improved health for residents, and new jobs and tax revenue for local jurisdictions.





You can use the Affordable Housing Map and Benefits Calculator in the following ways:

  • See quantitative estimates of social, economic, and environmental benefits of affordable housing for individual residents and families, taxpayers, and the local economy;
  • Estimate these benefits for a future or hypothetical affordable housing development;
  • Display property-level information on specific affordable housing developments (populations and incomes served, the way it is financed, number of years in operation, etc.);
  • Create and download reports on affordable housing’s impact in counties, cities, and legislative districts across California; and
  • Learn about where affordable housing is located in your community.

For help using this tool, check out the short tutorial video below: 


The universe of affordable homes captured in this tool is from the California Housing Partnership’s Preservation Database, an inventory of federal- and state-subsidized affordable rental properties, many of which also receive local subsidies. The Database will ultimately expand to include a wider universe of locally created affordable housing. For more information about the tool’s methodology, click here. For questions about this data, please see our Preservation Database Access Policy and contact our research team.

Notice any data errors? Have feedback or questions? Click here to let us know!

Data last updated: October 25, 2021

Looking for data on housing need, market conditions, federal and state funding for affordable housing, and production and preservation trends? Check out our Housing Needs Dashboard