State Policy

Roadmap Home 2030 new logoThe Partnership works to support policies and improve programs that increase financial resources to serve low-income renters in California. This includes working in close collaboration with regional and statewide housing associations to assess housing-related state legislation, to advocate for permanent sources of state funding for affordable housing, and to interface with state regulatory bodies to increase equitable access to energy efficiency resources for affordable multifamily rental housing. The Roadmap Home 2030 initiative is a bold, long-term plan to create the future we want for California by building affordable homes, protecting low-income renters, ending homelessness, and advancing racial equity and economic inclusion. 

Ballot Advocacy

November 2024: Proposition 5    March 2024:   Proposition 1   

Budget Advocacy

Budget Responses & Request Letters to Governor and the Legislature

2025:  January 10, 2025     November 11, 2024

2024:  June 6, 2024     May 10, 2024     February 2, 2024     January 12, 2024      

2023:  September 29, 2023      June 28, 2023      May 15, 2023     February 6, 2023   

2022:  June 30, 2022      April 1, 2022     February 4, 2022     January 12, 2022                

Legislative Advocacy

2024 Sponsored Bills

Bills Going to the Governor for Signature

AB 1053 (Gabriel) reduces affordable housing costs by allowing HCD loans to fund during construction.

AB 2353 (Ward) allows developers to not pay property taxes on affordable units while a welfare exemption application is pending.

AB 2926 (Kalra) strengthens the ability of preservation purchasers to buy affordable housing at risk of conversion to market rate.

AB 3160 (Gabriel) commits California to $500 million in enhanced state Housing Credits through 2030.

Unsuccessful Legislation

AB 1789 (Quirk-Silva) expands eligibility for HCD’s Portfolio Reinvestment Program.

AB 1657 (Wicks) places an affordable housing bond on the 2024 ballot.

View by year: 20222021

Enacted Legislation



AB 84 (Ward) allows the welfare property tax exemption for affordable housing to take effect upon recordation of deed-restrictions.

AB 346 (Quirk-Silva) allows TCAC to pair enhanced state low-income housing tax credits with either 9% or 4% federal credits in years when CDLAC is competitive.

AB 1307 (Wicks & Rivas) specifies that unamplified voices of residents is not a significant effect on the environment under Californian Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

AB 1449 (Alvarez) provides a Californian Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for certain housing developments where all units are affordable.

AB 1633 (Ting) specifies that the wrongful denial or withholding of a CEQA clearance to which a housing development is legally entitled is a violation of the Housing Accountability Act. 

SB 341 (Becker) more appropriately aligns prohousing incentives to programs where local governments are the applicants.

SB 355 (Eggman) broadens the eligibility for the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program. *

SB 469 (Allen & Weiner) exempts LIHTC and HCD-funded developments from Article 34. 

SB 482 (Blakespear) requires HCD to offer capitalized operating subsidy reserves for supportive units under the Multifamily Housing Program. 

SUPPORTED: ACA 1, ACA 13, AB 50, AB 434, AB 480, AB 529, AB 1114, AB 1218, AB 1319, AB 1386, AB 1418, AB 1485, AB 1679, AB 1764, AJR 3, SB 4, SB 34, SB 229, SB 267, SB 326, SB 406, SB 410, SB 423, SB 439, SB 567, SB 593, SB 713, SB 789.


SPONSORED: AB 2006 (Berman) Streamlining of state compliance monitoring activities

SB 948 (Becker) HCD pooled transition reserve

SUPPORTED: AB 1551, AB 1654, AB 1837, AB 2011, AB 2094, AB 2179, AB 2233, AB 2234, AB 2244, AB 2334, AB 2483, SCA 2


SPONSORED: AB 447 (Grayson) California Debt Limit Allocation Committee: income taxes: low-income housing tax credits

SUPPORTED: AB 721, AB 1043, AB 1124, AB 1304, SB 8, AB 215, AB 602, AB 816, AB 1398, AB 1584, and SB 791


SPONSORED: AB 434 (Daly) Streamlining HCD Rental Housing Programs into a Single Application and Award Process


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