The California Housing Partnership works with local governments, regional governments and state agencies to provide the following housing policy and outcomes research services.
Affordable Housing Need
The California Housing Partnership offers policy research services in affordable housing need trends tracking and analysis.
- Housing Tenure Trends
- Gap Analysis
- Cost Burden Analysis
- Overcrowding Analysis
- Homelessness Analysis
Affordable Rental Housing Inventory & Risk Assessment
The California Housing Partnership conducts affordable rental housing inventory and risk assessments.
- Inventory of federal and state-administered affordable rental housing (county-level if provided by jurisdictional partner)
- Federal and state-assisted homes at risk of losing affordability
- Unsubsidized affordable housing inventory
AFFH & Displacement
The California Housing Partnership provides policy research to affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH) and prevent displacement.
- Neighborhood Resources and Opportunity
- Transit Access
- Displacement Risk
- Affordable Housing Siting Plans and Strategies
Development Costs
The California Housing Partnership conducts development cost analyses of properties in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) portfolio.
- Development Cost Analysis
Affordable Housing Financing & Policy Strategies
The California Housing Partnership provides research and analysis to advise on affordable housing financing and policy strategies for jurisdictions, and regional and state agencies.
- Increasing funding for affordable housing
- Ensuring viability of existing affordable housing properties
- Increasing availability of sites for affordable housing
- Supporting innovative and cost-saving strategies
- Increasing tenant protections and strengthening state and federal advocacy