The Road to Decarbonizing Affordable Housing and the Importance of Utility Allowances and Electricity Rates
A little known schedule of estimated utility costs paid by renters and published by public housing authorities (PHAs) is threatening California’s progress in decarbonizing affordable rental housing, a goal that is important not only because of its climate benefits but also because of the need to lower renter utility costs. Utility allowances, or UAs as we call them, are supposed to estimate the average cost renters pay utility companies directly for Read More
Why Proposition 5 is Important for Californians
Proposition 5 on California’s November 2024 statewide ballot would set the voter threshold to approve local general obligation (GO) bonds for public infrastructure and affordable housing investments at 55%, provided those bonds include strong accountability and transparency requirements. The same was done for school bonds when voters approved Proposition 39 in 2000. The California Housing Partnership cares about this measure because local government GO bonds typically provide an early, catalyzing portion Read More
Proposition 36 Impacts on Homelessness
Proponents of California Proposition 36, which would undo many of the reforms brought by voter approval of Proposition 47 in 2014, are claiming that voter approval of this new measure would reduce homelessness in our state. As a Sociologist with the California Housing Partnership, I can tell you these claims are patently false. Here’s why: What Did Proposition 47 Do to Address Homelessness? Under Prop 47, the reclassification of certain drug Read More
Governor Signs/Vetoes Key Affordable Housing Bills
While state leaders ultimately decided not to approve any new long-term funding for affordable housing production this year beyond the narrowly-focused resources included in Proposition 1 approved by voters in March, they did pass more than a dozen laws that should be helpful to affordable housing providers and low-income renters to varying degrees in the coming years. The California Housing Partnership was proud to play a role in shaping several of Read More
Expanding Capacity to Achieve California’s Affordable Housing Goals
Housing advocates, agencies, policymakers, and developers in California understand that we need to build more – much more – to meet current and future housing needs, particularly affordable homes for those with low incomes. At the same time, the State’s housing production goals can feel so large and daunting that they stand apart from the day-to-day practices of housers working within the constraints of the current operating environment. But if we Read More
State Budget Wins for Affordable Housing
With the Governor’s signature yesterday on the main state budget bill (a few others remain pending), the Partnership is pleased to summarize the outcomes of this year’s difficult budget process. Facing a budget deficit of more than $45 billion, the Governor and lawmakers made many cuts to affordable housing programs but, importantly, spared those programs most critical to the continued development of affordable rental housing, including the state Low-Income Housing Tax Read More
Who Owns Unsubsidized Affordable Housing?
This blog post and related research were prepared for the California Housing Partnership by undergraduate students at Stanford University as part of the Program on Urban Studies community engaged learning course “Gentrification.” Students learn about this complicated topic in class and through engaging in a real-world project with partner organizations including Faith in Action Bay Area, Silicon Valley at Home (SV@Home), Enterprise Community Partners, and the Partnership. The Partnership thanks Dr. Read More
State Targets Neighborhood Change in Newly Released AFFH Mapping Tool
Earlier this month, California’s Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD) released the final Neighborhood Change Map, which is intended to inform statewide policy for affordable housing and advance affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH) objectives. The Neighborhood Change Map identifies low- and moderate-income communities of color that have undergone substantial racial/ethnic and economic changes. This map signals that the State is seeking to advance AFFH objectives not only by helping increase Read More
Affordable Housing Funds in the Inflation Reduction Act
Interested in a new funding source to support climate-friendly affordable housing? The 2022 federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) offers potentially billions of dollars toward decarbonization affordable housing in California. Unfortunately, the regulations and timing are different for each program which makes accessing IRA resources challenging. The California Housing Partnership held a series of workshops to provide information about the resources in January and February 2024. The table below is a general Read More
Have State opportunity area incentives changed the kinds of schools children living in affordable housing have access to?
Discussion about the State of California’s efforts to advance the affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH) objective of increasing access to opportunity have typically framed neighborhood opportunity broadly, in terms of higher and lower levels of “resources,” rather than in terms of the specific characteristics of those neighborhoods. This framing is helpful in the context of policy design and also understandable because the State uses an opportunity map that assesses neighborhoods based Read More
Tackling the Two-Headed Beast: What Dungeons and Dragons Taught Me about the Housing and Climate Crises
Dungeons and Dragons, in its most basic form, is a game where players overcome obstacles while on a quest. Players have near endless options when making decisions, and, even though it is imagined, the creative solutions discovered offer insights into solving problems more generally. Teamwork is fundamental. When an obstacle has multiple threats, like a two-headed beast, there are three basic approaches. The first is for the entire team to focus Read More
Affordable Housing Compares Favorably to Market-Rate Housing From a Cost Perspective
Have you ever heard someone say that affordable housing costs too much to build? It’s hard to justify that statement unless we first compare the cost of affordable housing to the cost of private market-rate housing. Until now, we’ve never had public data on the latter, but recently, the Terner Center at UC Berkeley published Making It Pencil: the Math Behind Housing Development – 2023 Update, which includes pro forma analyses for Read More
Examining the Argument that Building Affordable Housing Increases Crime
It seems difficult for many people to escape or deflect the preconceived notion that low-income people or housing dedicated to low-income people will bring “criminal elements” to a neighborhood when much of what they see on TV/online keeps perpetuating these ideas. News media and social media users routinely show images and videos of low-income neighborhoods with dilapidated properties or crimes allegedly committed by “Section 8” or “public housing” tenants while giving Read More
Why affordable housing is a great dollar for dollar investment for the state
The 2022 Statewide Housing Plan finds that California needs to construct more than one million new homes affordable to lower-income families by 2030 to meet the need. While this may sound like an expensive proposition in today’s high construction cost environment, the reality is that each state dollar invested in producing affordable rental housing leverages private, federal, and local funding at a ratio of more than four to one. In other words, the state’s contribution Read More
2023 LA Affordable Housing Decarbonization Summit
SUMMIT RESOURCES Resource Booklet Recordings Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Summit Framing Discussion Presentation Decks: Session 1 (Advancing New Construction Electrification) Session 2 (Demystifying Rehab Electrification) SUMMIT AGENDA & SPEAKERS (Additional Summit Resources are also linked below) 9:30 Welcome Alan Greenlee – Executive Director, Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing John Moon – Senior Vice President Climate Aligned Philanthropy, Well Fargo Foundation Ian Sharples – Sustainable Housing Read More
San José Directs Affordable Housing Programs to Address Segregation and Unequal Access to High Opportunity Areas
California Housing Partnership and UC Berkeley Othering & Belonging Institute Research Helped Shape the City’s New Policy On December 6th, the City Council of San José, CA, adopted a policy to address persistent patterns of segregation and unequal access to neighborhoods where residents experience better life outcomes. The new policy will place more affordable housing in San Jose’s well-resourced neighborhoods while directing a more comprehensive set of investments – including, but Read More
Who Can Afford to Rent in California’s Many Regions in 2022?
As California’s housing crisis has deepened in recent years, more and more families have been affected, leading some state and local leaders to consider investing scarce resources to help the households earning at (or even above) the area median income (AMI). But what does the data show concerning the ability of households at each income level to afford market rents in different parts of the state? A new California Housing Partnership analysis finds Read More
Inflation Exacerbates Housing Affordability Crisis for Low-Income Families in the Bay Area – Dashboard Series
Advocates and experts have gone on the record to say that inflation is exacerbating the housing affordability crisis in the Bay Area as families do not have as much disposable income to cover cost-of-living increases. An article in the SF Chronicle discussed how, “inflation means a Bay Area resident will spend $4,400 more the same stuff this year” compared to two years ago with goods and services (such as food, transportation, Read More
The Struggle of Housing Costs for Black and Brown Renters in California – Dashboard Series
Decades of systemic racism and economic inequality have led the cost burden of renter households to vary across racial groups, which can be seen by looking at the charts available in the California Housing Partnership’s Housing Needs Dashboard. Typically, households are considered cost burdened if thirty percent or more of their income is allocated towards housing costs and severely cost burdened if fifty percent or more is allocated towards housing costs. Read More
California’s Budget Misses the Mark on Housing – Dashboard Series
This year’s state budget authorized $2.9 billion to fund new and existing housing programs and $3.4 billion to assist individuals experiencing homelessness. While these investments are substantial, this allocation is not to scale for California’s growing 1.2 million housing-cost-burdened population. According to the Roadmap Home 2030, California needs to invest $17.9 billion a year to have the capacity to create 1.2 million new homes and end homelessness. As the State Funding Read More
Building on a Strong Foundation
Meet HDTI Trainers, Zorica Stančević and William Huang Over 30 years ago, LISC launched the Housing Development Training Institute (HDTI) in response to the need for a comprehensive program to develop the skills of affordable housing professionals. Led by affordable housing experts, HDTI provides practical and intensive skill training in affordable housing and works to increase the development capacity of community-based nonprofit development organizations. Zorica Stančević and William (Bill) Huang Read More
Governor’s 2022-23 State Budget: Summary from the Partnership
HOUSING PROVISIONS Budget investments toward preserving/ protecting/ producing sustainable, affordable housing include: $500 million in enhanced state Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) $400 million for Homekey $250 million for the CalHome program $250 million for the California Housing Accelerator (CHA) Program $200 million for the Infill infrastructure Grant (IIG) Program of 2019 $150 million for Adaptive Reuse $145 million for CalHFA $100 million for the Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) Read More
Exciting New Clean Energy Programs for Climate Action
You’re invited to our intro webinars in June! The California Housing Partnership is excited to announce the launch of two new clean energy programs that multifamily affordable rental housing providers can use in 2022 to help finance sustainability upgrades during new construction or for existing building retrofits. **NEW** Building Initiative for Low Emissions Development (BUILD) New construction, major retrofits Location: California A program of the California Energy Commission (CEC) **NEW** Read More
The Partnership Welcomes Equity Policy Research Fellows This Summer
The California Housing Partnership welcomes three fellows this summer as part of our new Equity Policy Research Fellowship program. This fellowship is a 10-12 week intensive training and coaching program for existing undergraduate and graduate students to foster the next generation of housing policy leaders and scholars from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and lower-income backgrounds. As Equity and Senior Equity Policy Research Fellows, they will support the Partnership’s Read More
Advocates Urge Governor Newsom and Legislature to Fund Critical Anti-Displacement and Affordable Housing Program
For Immediate Release: June 10, 2022 Contact: SACRAMENTO, CA – Last week, the California State Legislature released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2022–23 legislative budget agreement, in response to Governor Newsom’s budget proposal. Ahead of today’s deadline for passage of the state budget bill, PolicyLink, Enterprise Community Partners, Housing California, Public Advocates, California Housing Partnership, California Community Land Trust Network, Housing Now!, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), and the Read More
New report raises major equity concerns with state middle-income housing program
A recent study completed by a team of graduate student researchers at the Goldman School of Public Policy raises major doubts about statewide efforts to reduce rent for middle income renters under current middle-income housing programs and raises new equity concerns. California’s middle income housing program has grown substantially in the last three years and currently includes over 12,000 units. The program has sought to reduce rents for middle income renters Read More
California Can Build 14,000 Shovel-Ready Affordable Homes With $4 Billion Budget Surplus Investment
PRESS RELEASE Enterprise found that without additional funding, 46% of affordable homes in the state’s pipeline will be stalled due to a lack of federal resources SAN FRANCISCO (May 24, 2022) – A new analysis of California’s affordable housing pipeline from housing nonprofit Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) found that with an investment of just 4 percent of the state’s nearly $100 billion budget surplus, the state could create more than 14,000 Read More
New 2022 Affordable Housing Need Reports for California Counties
Announcing new updates to the Partnership’s online Housing Needs Dashboard data tool ( and new housing need reports for all 58 California counties During #AffordableHousingMonth this year, the California Housing Partnership has newly released Affordable Housing Need Reports for all California counties. These reports track the progress of local, regional and state leaders’ initiatives to alleviate the housing instability faced by low-income Californians as a result of California’s challenging housing Read More
Press Release: New Housing Need Report for San Mateo County Highlights Housing Affordability Challenges for Low-Income Families: What Can Local Leaders Do to Help?
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Vivian Le, Evelyn Stivers, Christina Gotuaco, New Housing Need Report for San Mateo County Highlights Housing Affordability Challenges for Low-Income Families: What Can Local Leaders Do to Help? May 2022 (SAN MATEO COUNTY) – New reports released today by the California Housing Partnershipemphasizes our reality today – that increases in the cost of living continue to push housing affordability out of reach for many Read More
Press Release: New Housing Need Report Highlights Housing Affordability Challenges for Low-Income Families in the Monterey Bay Region: What Can Local Leaders Do to Help?
May 10, 2022 (MARINA) – Newly released today, the California Housing Partnership’s 2022 Affordable Housing Needs Report shows that increases in the cost of living continue to push housing affordability out of reach for many low-income families in the Monterey Bay region. Key Findings for Santa Cruz County: In Santa Cruz County, renters need to earn $48.08 per hour — 3.2 times the state minimum wage — to afford the average Read More
Press Release: California Housing Partnership Affordable Needs Assessment for Los Angeles County
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Arianna Jukes, (310-903-0730) Alan Greenlee, (818-516-0680) Christina Gotuaco, (415-433-6804 x313) New Housing Need Report for Los Angeles County Highlights Housing Affordability Challenges for Low-Income Families: What Can Local Leaders Do Read More
Press Release: New Reports on Bay Area Housing Costs Reinforce Advocates’ Calls for Affordable Housing Solutions
For immediate release Latest Bay Area Housing Data Reinforces Advocates’ Calls for Affordable Housing Solutions, Investments May 10, 2022 (San Francisco Bay Area) – 2/3 of the Bay Area’s extremely low-income households are spending more than half of their earnings to pay rent, according to new data released today by the California Housing Partnership. The findings offer a data-driven presentation of the reality that people living and working in the Bay Read More
CalHFA’s Mixed-Income Program (MIP): Outcomes Analysis, Rounds 1-3
By the California Housing Partnership The California Housing Partnership recently analyzed data from the first three years of program awards of CalHFA’s Mixed Income Program (MIP) to assess its impact to date and compare it with other longstanding affordable housing finance programs on such factors as development type and location, levels of affordability, and costs. MIP was created by CalHFA in 2017 to incentivize the construction of new rental housing developments Read More
How is California meeting the needs of low-income renters?
CALIFORNIA AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEEDS | 2022 REPORT CALIFORNIA, March 30, 2022 — State leaders are making an effort to increase the resources supporting California’s lowest income renters, committing significantly more funding just in the past two years to combat homelessness and displacement. Our state’s housing affordability challenges, decades in the making, will be improved by these and sustained long-term efforts, as detailed in California’s Roadmap Home 2030 ( By pairing Read More
Press Release: Asm. Wicks Introduces Housing Opportunities for Everyone (HOPE) Act
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, March 25, 2022 CONTACT: Erin Ivie, Communications Director / 510-619-8495 Asm. Wicks Introduces Housing Opportunities for Everyone (HOPE) Act ACA 14 would establish dedicated, long-term funding for solutions to housing and homelessness crisis SACRAMENTO — On Friday, Assemblymember Buffy Wicks introduced the Housing Opportunities for Everyone (HOPE) Act, a constitutional amendment establishing a long-term funding stream dedicated to solving California’s housing and homelessness crisis. Read More
Rents Trend Upward for Older, More Affordable Properties during the Pandemic – Microblog Series
Launching our inaugural microblog! Throughout the year, the Partnership’s Research team will spotlight various key points from our recent research to provide you with extra perspectives on the issues surrounding housing affordability in California and the research and data tools being developed by our team to better understand the challenges + how they can be overcome. As more businesses, schools, and offices return to in-person activity with the lifting of COVID-19 Read More
Press Release: Padilla Announces Legislation to Address Affordable Housing and Homelessness Crises
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 25, 2022 CONTACT: Tess Whittlesey (202) 224-3553 Senator Padilla joins local stakeholders in Sacramento to introduce Housing for All Act SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) announced comprehensive legislation to address the affordable housing and homelessness crises in California and across the country. The Housing for All Act of 2022 would invest in proven solutions to address critical affordable housing shortages and provide a surge of funding for strategic, Read More
Press Release: Amid Worsening Housing Crisis, California Legislators Seek to Combat Imminent Loss of Affordable Housing
Innovative New Tax Credit Would Help to Preserve 25,000 Units of Affordable Housing Over the Next Five Years FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, February 10, 2022 Dana Alpert Legislative/Communications Assistant SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-Woodland Hills) introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 1911, which would create a new tax credit program to preserve at least 25,000 units of affordable housing that are at risk of converting to market-rate rents over the Read More
How Many Affordable Homes are At Risk of Conversion in California?
The current California affordable housing crisis will only worsen if nothing more is done to protect the thousands of subsidized affordable rental homes at risk of market rate conversion. According to the Affordable Homes At Risk | 2022 Report by the California Housing Partnership, 20,792 subsidized affordable rental homes have already been lost through conversion to market rate units and 7,053 more are at risk of conversion to market rate as soon as this year. Read More
Press Release: Berman Introduces Legislation to Boost Affordable Housing Supply
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 SACRAMENTO – Today Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park) announced that he has introduced two bills, AB 2006 and AB 2063, focused on addressing barriers to the production of affordable housing. These bills support the state’s goals to provide more affordable housing opportunities for Californians. “California has a dire shortage of affordable housing,” said Assemblymember Berman. “These two common-sense bills will remove barriers that delay critically Read More
Press Release: Senator Becker Introduces Bill to Cut Costs for Affordable Housing Projects in California
Legislation would free up significant financial resources for affordable housing developments by shifting individual project reserves to a pooled statewide model SACRAMENTO — Senator Josh Becker introduced a bill today to substantially reduce costs for affordable housing projects in the state by enabling affordable housing developers to make the best use of limited financial resources. “We must do everything in our power to address the affordable housing crisis in our communities, Read More
Press Release: Governor Newsom Announces New Awards to Create 2,300 Housing Units
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Governor’s Press Office Thursday, February 3, 2022 (916) 445-4571 Governor Newsom Announces New Awards to Create 2,300 Housing Units Under California Housing Accelerator program, affordable housing projects get the funds they need to break ground, creating much-needed housing for those most in need SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today announced more than $923 million in awards for affordable housing projects across California as part of the California Read More
Statement on Governor Newsom’s Budget 1/10/2022
“We applaud Governor Newsom’s proposal to make new short-term investments that will help California communities reduce the negative impacts of the homeless and housing crises. But the roughly $2 billion in proposed new investments in preserving and expanding the supply of affordable and sustainable homes spread over the next two years falls far short of the $17.9 billion a year that California’s Roadmap Home clearly shows is needed over the next ten years to provide Read More
Reaching Decarbonization Goals through the Electrification of Affordable Housing
In order to meet climate goals set by the state, cities across California have passed, or are considering efforts to pass, new local building energy codes aimed at decarbonizing new and existing buildings. These will have significant implications for the state’s multifamily affordable housing stock. State agencies such as the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the California Energy Commission (CEC) are considering a range of zero-emission and electrification requirements that Read More
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: A Path Forward for California’s Housing Agencies
Addressing Segregation and Unequal Access to Opportunity in California with Affordable Housing Investments: A Path Forward for a Comprehensive Approach State housing funding agencies recently implemented program changes to prioritize addressing residential segregation and its harmful effects, specifically through the creation of affordable housing in opportunity-rich neighborhoods. A new policy brief from Dan Rinzler of the California Housing Partnership and José Loya of the UCLA Luskin School takes stock of these changes and Read More
Who Can Afford to Rent in California’s Many Regions in 2021?
As California’s housing crisis has deepened in recent years, more and more families have been affected, leading some state and local leaders to consider investing scarce resources to help the households earning at (or even above) the area median income (AMI). But what does the data show concerning the ability of moderate-income households to afford market rents in different parts of the state? A new California Housing Partnership analysis finds that Read More
New Research: Rents Increase For Low-Income Californians During COVID-19 Pandemic
The prevailing narrative across much of California during the pandemic has been that rents have fallen dramatically in the state’s most populated urban centers, as residents fled in search of more space, causing rents in suburban and ex-urban areas to increase in turn. New research from the California Housing Partnership, as described in this policy brief, challenges the ubiquity of this narrative. Most notably, renter households in older, more affordable rental Read More
Housing Experts Caution Local Governments on JPA Proposals to Convert Luxury Apartments to Government-Owned Middle-Income Housing
The California Housing Partnership joins CSG Advisors and HR&A Advisors, Inc. in highlighting the urgent need for local governments to carefully weigh the potential pitfalls and opportunity costs associated with using property tax exemptions to finance the conversion of luxury apartments into government-owned middle-income housing in California. Joint powers authorities (“JPAs”) acting on behalf of profit-seeking private investors have been asking many local governments across the state to waive their property taxes – and taxes owed to Read More
New Program Provides Energy Burden Relief for Tenants in LA
This blog was co-authored by Agustin Cabrera (LAANE), Blanca De La Cruz (California Housing Partnership), Michele Hasson (NRDC), Kate Heller (EEFA), and Braxton Bridgers (AEA). The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Board voted to approve implementation of the Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofit Program (CAMR) recently. The largest municipal utility in the country has worked with advocates to develop a comprehensive program that provides benefits to low income tenants Read More
Where Are California’s Affordable Homes and How Do They Benefit Local Communities?
The California Housing Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of the next phase of our Affordable Housing Map & Benefits Calculator! The newly expanded data tool serves as a comprehensive inventory of California’s state- and federally-subsidized affordable housing and now includes a forward-looking Benefits Calculator that enables policymakers, planners, affordable housing providers and advocates to estimate the social, economic, and environmental benefits of prospective affordable housing developments. Additionally, this update Read More
Leading housing advocates call for Build Back Better investment in affordable housing
For Immediate Release: Friday, October 8, 2021 Contact: Adam Bink | | 716-725-4569 (cell) Leading housing advocates call for Build Back Better investment in affordable housing As Congress and the White House continue to negotiate infrastructure package, advocates note once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity Sacramento, CA – Amid surging rent prices and a startling increase in the number of Californians experiencing homelessness, Housing California, the California Housing Partnership, and the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern Read More
California’s Renters Still Struggling to Make Rent Despite State’s Eviction Moratorium and Emergency Rental Assistance
The California Housing Partnership has been closely tracking the economic consequences of COVID-19 on California’s renter households since the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey was first released in May 2020. Our research finds that nearly a year and half into the pandemic, renters across California are still bearing the economic brunt of COVID-19, experiencing high rates of wage loss and housing insecurity, and struggling to make rent, despite the availability Read More
Affordable Housing Decarbonization Summit 2021
The California Housing Partnership is pleased to announce that we will hold our second annual Affordable Housing Decarbonization Summit on October 12-14, 2021! Scheduled on three consecutive mornings, the summit will discuss the practical challenges and public policy implications of electrifying new and existing affordable housing buildings. The first session each morning will be open to the general public. This will be followed by stakeholder working group discussions with nonprofit Read More
New Key Indicators of Affordable Housing Need
The California Housing Partnership is pleased to announce that based on input from focus groups and users, we have upgraded our interactive online Housing Needs Dashboard — first introduced last year — to include new indicators, data and functionality: 1) Cost Burden by Race and Ethnicity: Housing Need tab Racial disparities in access to a safe, stable, and affordable home have long defined California’s housing crisis: renters of color are more Read More
Los Angeles County Makes Progress in Addressing Affordable Housing Needs
The California Housing Partnership is pleased to announce the release of Los Angeles County’s 2021 Affordable Housing Outcomes Report. Significantly, the report finds that Los Angeles County’s investments (including almost $600,000,000 in NOFA awards since 2014) and policies over the past five years have led to a gradually expanding inventory of affordable homes and rental assistance programs in Los Angeles County that contributed to reducing the affordable housing shortfall and helping stem Read More
Statement on Gov. Newsom’s Enactment of the 2021/22 State Budget
The California Housing Partnership applauds the historic investment of state resources to help address the dire housing needs of California’s low-income families, including those experiencing homelessness. The enacted state budget for the 2021/2022 fiscal year includes more than $5 billion to increase and preserve the supply of affordable homes as well as critical additional funding to house and provide services to persons experiencing homelessness. “The Roadmap Home 2030 finds that California needs to invest Read More
56 of California’s 58 Counties Lacked Enough Affordable Homes Even Before the Pandemic
RELEASE: New 2021 Affordable Housing Needs Reports from the California Housing Partnership Every spring, the Partnership publishes Housing Needs Reports assessing the failure of California’s housing markets to meet the needs of low-income families. Highlights from this year’s reports include: Even before the pandemic, low-income renter households lacked access to an affordable home in 56 of California’s 58 counties. In every one of California’s 58 counties, high housing costs continue to plague the majority of low-income Read More
Joint Statement on San Diego County Housing Need Report and San Diego Housing Federation Call to Action
The San Diego County Housing Need Report released today underscores that the severe shortage of affordable homes and the crisis of unaffordability facing San Diego residents continues unabated. Even before the pandemic hit, only one in ten of the lowest income households in San Diego could afford their current rent. More than half of very low-income renters spend upwards of 50 percent of their income, leaving them one economic shock away Read More
PRESS RELEASE: Housing Costs Put Low-Income Families At Risk of Homelessness, New Report Shows Deficit in Affordable Housing and Funding in the San Joaquin Valley
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Alicia Sebastian, California Coalition for Rural Housing Christina Gotuaco, California Housing Partnership Housing Costs Put Low-Income Families At Risk of Homelessness, New Report Shows Deficit in Affordable Housing and Funding in the San Joaquin Valley May 27, 2021 (San Joaquin Valley, CA) – The California Housing Partnership released today — in collaboration with the California Coalition for Rural Housing and partners across the San Joaquin Valley Read More
PRESS RELEASE: Annual Housing Needs Report Shows Affordable Housing Shortfall – San Diego
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Amanda Nelson, San Diego Housing Federation Annual Housing Needs Report Shows Affordable Housing Shortfall Housing Advocates call for State action to support local response to produce and preserve homes that are affordable SAN DIEGO, CA –The San Diego Housing Federation (SDHF) releases the annual Housing Needs Report from the California Housing Partnership. The annual report highlights that 132,298 low-income renter households in San Diego County do not Read More
PRESS RELEASE: Low-Income Renters See No Relief in Post-COVID-19 Recovery
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Jeannette Brown, SCANPH Christina Gotuaco, California Housing Partnership Alan Greenlee, SCANPH Low-Income Renters See No Relief in Post-COVID-19 Recovery; New Data Shows Crisis-Level Deficit of Affordable Housing New Report Builds Case for Action May 26, 2021 (Los Angeles, CA) – As California begins to open back up as part of the COVID-19 recovery, new data shows that the recovery is inequitable for low-income renters struggling to Read More
PRESS RELEASE: New Housing Data Confirms Lack of Affordability in Santa Cruz County Housing Supply
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Don Lane, Housing Santa Cruz County Christina Gotuaco, California Housing Partnership May 18, 2021 (Santa Cruz, CA) – In the midst of the events and activities of Affordable Housing Month — designed to explore opportunities and solutions for our Santa Cruz County housing challenges — new data demonstrates that high housing costs continue to plague thousands of local residents. A new report from the California Housing Read More
The American Jobs Plan, President Biden’s $2.3 Trillion Infrastructure Proposal
The American Jobs Plan (AJP) includes: $45 billion for the National Housing Trust Fund for the construction and preservation of homes affordable to people with the lowest incomes, $2 billion for new project-based vouchers; $35 billion for the HOME Investment Partnership Program; $55 billion for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit; $3 billion to fund lead-based paint testing and abatement; $2 billion to meet the housing needs of tribal communities; and Read More
PRESS RELEASE: Nearly 60,000 in Sacramento County Lack Access to an Affordable Home, New Report Shows
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Kendra Lewis, Sacramento Housing Alliance Christina Gotuaco, California Housing Partnership May 11, 2021 (Sacramento, CA) – As the Aggie Square lawsuit settles and with the City of Sacramento entering into a Community Benefits Agreement calling for an investment into an affordable housing trust fund, a new affordable housing needs report from the California Housing Partnership showcases the urgency of the region’s housing struggles. Families are being Read More
PRESS RELEASE: New Reports On Bay Area Housing Costs Demonstrates Need For CA Legislature And State Budget To Prioritize Affordable Housing Now
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Yesenia Jameson, NPH Alina Harway, NPH Christina Gotuaco, California Housing Partnership May 6, 2021 (San Francisco Bay Area) – In anticipation of the release of Governor Gavin Newsom’s May Revision to the 2021-22 state budget proposal, and as affordable housing advocates and supporters across the Bay Area kickoff Affordable Housing Month, a new set of reports from the California Housing Partnership provides a glimpse into the reality of people living Read More
5 Key Takeaways for Making Building Decarbonization Work in Affordable Housing
The California Housing Partnership hosted a five-part Affordable Housing Building Decarbonization Summit in late 2020 to understand the opportunities and challenges of building decarbonization policies and programs across California that impact multifamily affordable housing. This report, an outcome of the Summit, offers vital insights to inform the state’s building decarbonization policies and ensure equitable outcomes for affordable housing providers and their residents. The following are key policy recommendations: Fund technical assistance Build staff Read More
Statement Condemning Recent Racist Violence
The Partnership condemns in the strongest terms the racism against people of Asian descent that appears to have motivated the recent Atlanta area killings and was clearly involved in the recent series of incidents of violence and harassment here in California. Our thoughts are with colleagues, industry partners and staff who are directly or indirectly affected by the incidents that occurred. Last week, we opened a discussion forum for staff and encouraged Read More
New Report Shows Challenges Facing Low-Income California Renters in 2021, Calls for Strategic Response
CALIFORNIA, March 18, 2021 — The findings in this year’s 2021 California Affordable Housing Needs Report from the California Housing Partnership tell a clear story: the pandemic impacts have only worsened an already untenable situation facing low-income California renters, with rising homelessness and cost burdens leading to increased housing fragility and worsening racial inequality. 78% of extremely low-income (ELI) renter households are paying more than half of their income on housing Read More
Where are Affordable Homes Most At Risk in California?
California has already lost 18,043 subsidized affordable rental homes and today, another 6,785 subsidized affordable rental homes are at risk of market rate conversion as soon as next year. These homes house thousands of low-income seniors, families and individuals and can be found in 35 of California’s 55 counties, according to the Affordable Homes At Risk | 2021 Report by the California Housing Partnership. By 2030, more than 30,000 affordable homes could lose their affordability if no actions Read More
Federal Action Alert for COVID-19 Renter Relief
This week the House of Representatives will vote on a COVID-19 relief bill (the American Rescue Plan Act) to help America’s lowest-income renters address rent arrears and remain housed and to bring people experiencing homelessness indoors. The bill provides $25 billion in rental assistance including: $19.05 billion for emergency rental assistance (ERA) for low-income families experiencing a financial hardship during or due to the pandemic; $750 million for tribal families; $100 Read More
Creating a Unified Process to Award All State Affordable Rental Housing Funding “One-Stop Shop”
A SYSTEMS ISSUE WITH A HEAVY PRICE TAG (WHITE PAPER) Numerous policymakers have cited the pressing need to reduce the cost and time involved in producing new affordable rental homes in California; as have taxpayers, the media, and stakeholder groups taking a critical look at accountability in this realm. New analysis from the California Housing Partnership (the Partnership) finds that each additional state funding entity involved in the financing of an Read More
State Policy Priorities for 2021: Announcing California’s Roadmap HOME
The California Housing Partnership is proud to announce the release of the 2021 policy priorities from the Roadmap HOME — the first long-term, comprehensive, and evidence-based framework of policy solutions to end homelessness and create stable, affordable homes for all Californians. Developed in partnership with Housing California and leading policy experts, researchers and advocates from across the state, this January Roadmap HOME release sets four clear goals and proposes 12 Read More
California’s affordable housing leaders offer sneak preview of forthcoming Roadmap HOME 2030
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | January 26, 2021 Contact: Adam Bink, Spitfire // Christina Gotuaco, California Housing Partnership California’s affordable housing leaders offer sneak preview of forthcoming Roadmap HOME 2030 Coalition unveils framework of bold policy priorities for 2021-22 legislative session SACRAMENTO — As the 2021-22 legislative session gets underway, Housing California and California Housing Partnership offered a sneak preview of the forthcoming Roadmap HOME 2030, a 10-year comprehensive, racial equity-centered, and evidence-based Read More
New AHSC Report Highlights Climate & Economic Benefits of 11,300 Sustainable Homes
The California Housing Partnership has released a new policy brief co-authored with Enterprise Community Partners documenting the substantial community and economic benefits made possible by the first five rounds of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program. Since its inception in 2014, AHSC has exemplified how land use, affordable housing, and high-quality transportation can be married together in a single program successfully to address California’s housing affordability crisis while mitigating Read More
Statement on Governor Newsom’s budget proposal
As leaders in California’s affordable housing movement, we appreciate that Governor Newsom’s budget includes proposals that will help reduce homelessness, increase the supply of affordable housing across California, protect renters from eviction and discrimination, and address racial inequities that have plagued our state. These proposals include a third year of expanding the state’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit program, restoring and expanding funding to the Infill Infrastructure Grant program, further investing Read More
An Interview with New HCD Leadership on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in California
Thank you to Gustavo Velasquez (“GV”), HCD Director, and Tyrone Buckley (“TB”), Assistant Deputy Director of Fair Housing, for sharing their time with us for this conversation on the crucial topic of affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH) — the legal duty to promote integrated communities, increase access to opportunity, overcome patterns of racial segregation, and transform racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty into areas of opportunity. This interview was conducted in November Read More
Response to the State Auditor’s November 2020 Report
We agree with the State Auditor that California must develop and implement a long-term, comprehensive and coordinated plan to house those who are experiencing homelessness and lack access to affordable homes. While the claim in the November 2020 audit that $2.7B in tax-exempt bonds were wasted oversimplifies the program mechanics and ignores the economic conditions at the time, what’s critical now — when housing bond demand exceeds supply by more than two-to-one — is that Read More
COVID-19 Exacerbates Cost of Living Challenges Throughout the State – Dashboard Series #4
As COVID-19 cases continue to spike, households throughout the country find themselves facing the dual threat of loss of income and housing insecurity in the wake of prolonged shelter-in-place mandates. The California Housing Partnership’s Housing Needs Dashboard shows that in California, the cost of living was significantly higher than what many families with low incomes could afford – even before the pandemic. The data powering this indicator is from the United Ways of California’s Real Read More
59% of Black Renters Behind on Rent Fear Eviction Due to Continued Effects of Pandemic
Last month, the U.S. Census Bureau released the first wave of results from the second phase of the Household Pulse Survey, an experimental survey to measure the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic over time. The survey assesses housing security among several other economic, educational, and health indicators by asking whether respondents paid last month’s rent or mortgage and how confident they are that they will be able to pay Read More
New Data Underscores California’s Failure to Meet Low-Income Housing Production Goals – Dashboard Series #3
Post updated on 9/24/2020 at 1:10 pm The California Housing Partnership recently updated the Housing Needs Dashboard to include the most current data on how well California’s cities and counties are meeting their regional housing goals for different income groups. This new data reveals not only that nearly every city and county in California is failing to meet its production goals for housing affordable to low-income households, but also that many jurisdictions have Read More
Affordable Housing Building Decarbonization Summit
OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2020 Hosted by the California Housing Partnership w/ Support from the Energy Foundation & Greenlining Institute This summit is a forum for Nonprofit Affordable Housing Teams to discuss and recommend equitable decarbonize strategies for new and existing affordable housing properties. Amidst the perfect storm of a pandemic within a pre-existing housing emergency within a growing climate crisis, what factors should the state consider in addressing these overlapping priorities? The Read More
New Updates to California’s Affordable Rental Housing Benefits Map
The Affordable Rental Housing Benefits Map ( provides policymakers, housing providers, advocates and elected officials with the data and visual tools to communicate the positive impacts of affordable housing in California. The California Housing Partnership is excited to announce the following updates to the Benefits Map as of September 1, 2020: 1 | Map layers. The new 2020 TCAC/HCD Opportunity Map to affirmatively further fair housing, developed with input from the California Housing Partnership, was Read More
Join the Partnership at this Year’s Fall Conferences!
We miss seeing your friendly faces! The pandemic has made personal connections more difficult this year, so we hope you will be able to join us at these conference sessions our team is presenting this Fall. August: Housing California – 8/31 to 9/4 Impact of the Presidential Elections on Federal Housing Policy Monday, August 31, 2020 and after (on-demand) MODERATOR: Matt Schwartz, President & CEO, California Housing Partnership SPEAKERS: Peter Lawrence, Read More
GREEN Webinar: Clean Energy For Healthy Affordable Housing, Bay Area
Join us on October 20th at noon for this GREEN Talk! This webinar will focus on Bay Area specific clean energy policies and programs for existing multifamily affordable housing properties. It will also look at how Bay Area developers and organizations apply these policies and programs in order to build healthier communities and lower operating cost. In addition to a broad overview, the webinar will provide a deeper look at four Read More
Stop Wasting Water! A Crossover Strategy Guide for Multifamily Asset Management
Water-Energy Nexus: Crossover Report In a study commissioned by the California Energy Commission (CEC) in 2017, out of approximately 100 multifamily buildings tested with crossover detection methods about 50% had crossover. Crossover occurs when an apartment building’s hot water and cold water sources mix in the pipes, often due to leaking or failed valves. Crossover wastes energy, diminishes tenant comfort, increases bills, and increases greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in California. It also Read More
Racial Disparities in Housing Security from COVID-19 Economic Fallout
Racial disparities in access to safe, stable, and affordable housing were present long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit California. People of color are more likely to experience housing cost burdens, homelessness, and housing instability in the state and are less likely to own homes and acquire wealth, due in large part to California’s long history of discrimination in public and private housing markets, structural racism, and government-sponsored segregation. Recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s new Household Pulse Survey, conducted Read More
Webinar: Lenders and Investors Respond to COVID-19 Impact, Part II, August 18th
Join the California Housing Partnership on Tuesday, August 18 from 3:00-4:30 pm for Part II of the conversation we began in April about the challenges that nonprofit developers of multifamily affordable housing face in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This timely discussion with investors, lenders, and nonprofit developers will delve into how the field is adapting to a changing lending and equity market, construction and lease-up delays, and closings Read More
The Need for Long-Term State Financing of Affordable Housing – Dashboard Series #2
The California Housing Partnership’s new Housing Needs Dashboard reveals not only that 1.3 million low-income renter households in California do not have access to an affordable home, but also that this situation has persisted for years. My 22 years of experience working in affordable housing has made clear to me that the private market is unable to produce homes for these households, since below-market rate rents do not cover the costs Read More
Bay Area Rents Drop But Are Still Too High – Dashboard Series #1
In this California Housing Needs Dashboard blog series, members of the Partnership’s research team highlight key indicators accessible in our new online data tool. The Dashboard provides key affordable housing statistics and housing market metrics for all 58 counties of California. WHO CAN AFFORD TO RENT With the impact of the coronavirus pandemic stretching on, our first spotlight is on rent trends in the San Francisco Bay Area. News outlets have Read More
Webinar: Housing Needs Dashboard Demonstration, July 9
The California Housing Partnership recently launched the Housing Needs Dashboard, a new online data tool to discover and compare housing data for every California county and the state overall: Affordable housing need versus supply Housing market condition indicators Federal and state affordable housing funding levels Multifamily housing production and preservation trends Join us on Thursday, July 9, at 11:30 am for a one-hour demonstration and Q&A of the unique features and Read More
The Pathway to New All-Electric Low Income Housing in CA
The winds of change are blowing in California—toward all-electric new buildings powered by an increasingly clean electric grid. A key question for equity, health, and the environment is how to ensure that affordable housing providers in California—which serve thousands of low-income families—are supported in building efficient, emissions-free all-electric homes. MidPen Housing’s first all-electric affordable housing development: Edwina Benner Plaza, Sunnyvale CA Credit: MidPen Housing Already 30 local governments in California have passed building Read More
Time Off this Friday to Honor Juneteenth
In light of evolving current events, our organization is encouraging staff who can to take all or at least part of this Friday off to commemorate Juneteenth. We have invited staff to use this time to reflect, advocate, grieve, or whatever feels most important in the wake of George Floyd and now Rayshard Brooks’ deaths, and the large upheaval happening during this moment. This is a cause that feels especially important this year as Read More
New Online Dashboard from the California Housing Partnership Visualizes California’s Housing Needs
The California Housing Partnership is excited to announce the launch of a new Housing Needs Dashboard, an interactive online affordable housing data portal. The Partnership designed the dashboard as a tool through which policymakers, planners, affordable housing providers, and advocates can access key California housing metrics and track indicators over time at both the state and county level. “We hope the Housing Needs Dashboard will become an essential tool for federal, state Read More
Black Lives Matter
Dear friends and colleagues, The staff and board of the California Housing Partnership are heartsick at the pervasive and systemic injustices that George Floyd’s murder, and those of the many other Black and Brown people before him, has laid bare in our society. We know well from the work we do in the housing sector that our laws and financial institutions have systematically denied equal opportunities to Black people through redlining, Read More
55 of California’s Counties Lacked Enough Affordable Homes Even Before the Pandemic
NEWLY PUBLISHED: 2020 Affordable Housing Needs Reports From the California Housing Partnership Recent events have amplified the longstanding injustices caused by social inequities that continue to plague our society. Since 2014, the California Housing Partnership has published reports documenting the failure of California’s housing markets to meet the needs of low-income families. Even before COVID-19, 1.3 million low-income California households lacked access to affordable homes. New pandemic-caused unemployment, displacement and massive state deficits are upending previous Read More
GREEN Webinar: Clean Energy Resources for COVID-19 Response
The California Housing Partnership (the Partnership), in coordination with SCANPH, is excited to host a webinar discussing Clean Energy Resources for COVID-19 Response on Wednesday, June 3 at 10:30 AM. This webinar is designed to provide a high-level overview of major clean energy programs available in Southern California for your portfolio of existing multifamily affordable housing properties. The need to reduce operating costs and tenants’ bills is more urgent than ever. Read More
Governor’s Budget Makes Critical Downpayment to House the Homeless; Bolder Action Needed Ahead
Yesterday, Governor Gavin Newsom released a revised state budget for California (May Revision). The California Housing Partnership is heartened to see that despite the state’s anticipated record budget deficit, the governor is standing by earlier commitments to continue funding $500 million in state Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in 2021. These state housing credits, first authorized last year thanks in large part to the leadership of Assemblymember David Chiu, will enable dozens of new Read More
TCAC and HCD re-release draft changes to Opportunity Map in rural and rapidly changing areas (comments due May 18)
Last week, the Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) re-released the draft 2020 TCAC/HCD Opportunity Map for public comments, which are due at 5pm on Monday, May 18. Directions on how to submit comments are available on the California State Treasurer’s website. TCAC and HCD use this map to inform policies which aim to increase access to opportunity-rich areas for low-income families with children, as Read More
California Affordable Housing Providers Face Potential $1.7 Billion COVID-19 Loss
In an April 16th post from President & CEO Matt Schwartz, the California Housing Partnership made the case that while Congress, the Governor and the Legislature have taken important steps to address the needs of renters, there is a ticking financial time bomb represented by low-income households living in rent-restricted housing unsupported by rent subsidies, who have lost substantial income due to COVID-19 and will be unable to pay their full rent for months to Read More
Webinar: Lenders and Investors Respond to COVID-19 Impact, April 30
The COVID-19 pandemic reveals how critical safe, stable, homes are to our communities’ ability to get and stay healthy. However, as rent collections fall, construction is delayed, and a bear market slows LIHTC investment opportunities, the affordable housing industry faces unprecedented challenges to the financial health of the affordable housing development sector. Join NPH and the California Housing Partnership on Thursday, April 30 (3:00 pm-4:30 pm) for a moderated panel of Read More
California Affordable Housing Priorities for Congress in the Next COVID-19 Stimulus
At a time when access to affordable homes was already extremely challenging (as described in this recent report by the California Housing Partnership), COVID-19 has devastated California’s low-income communities by taking away incomes and mobility and in some cases, health. The California Housing Partnership thanks Congress for the critical supports provided in the March 25th CARES Act and the Governor and Legislature for their emergency assistance to ensure that households are Read More
Demystifying California’s Affordable Homes Shortfall
Much of my work at the California Housing Partnership focuses on analyzing the state of affordable rental housing in California and its impacts on individual residents and families, taxpayers, and local economies. Last month, these efforts culminated in our release of the 2020 California Affordable Housing Needs Report. One of the major data findings from this year’s report is the number of low-income renter households in California who cannot find an Read More
Last Chance to Protect the Community Reinvestment Act
In the midst of the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 crisis and the need to focus on immediate responses, it is difficult but essential to recall what else is important to the future of our ability to continue creating high quality affordable homes. One of the most effective tools to our success in building affordable homes has been the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), and it is at risk in this very Read More
Request to Support Affordable Housing Legislation in 2020
Amidst today’s uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and its implications for the daily lives of California’s lowest-income families, now more than ever we need our state leaders to strengthen our ability to house and protect low-income families, seniors, and individuals. We applaud Governor Newsom’s Executive Order protecting renters and ask the Legislature to move forward with longer term plans and resources. This is why the California Housing Partnership is proud to sponsor four bills Read More
New Report Finds Bay Area Needs 235,656 More Affordable Homes
A new report from the California Housing Partnership finds that the Bay Area needs 235,656 more affordable homes just to meet existing needs. The report finds that: High housing costs are effectively doubling official county poverty rates. More than two-thirds of the lowest income households are severely rent burdened, meaning they are paying more than half their incomes in housing costs with little left for other basic expenses. Despite the passage Read More
New Report Reveals How AHSC Addresses California’s Most Pressing Challenges
Today, the California Housing Partnership released a new policy brief — co-authored with Enterprise Community Partners — that documents the substantial community and environmental benefits made possible by the first four rounds of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program. By requiring coordination of housing, transportation, and land use planning, AHSC simultaneously and holistically addresses three of California’s most pressing challenges: housing affordability, transportation, and climate change mitigation. To date, the program has awarded $1.1 Read More
HUD Changes Policy so Low-Income Renters can Access $100M/Year in Solar PV Benefits
The launch of the Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program on July 1, 2019 marked the largest solar energy investment in multifamily affordable housing to date in the State of California. The overall goal of the SOMAH program is to provide financial incentives for installing photovoltaic (PV) systems on multifamily affordable rental housing homes. What makes SOMAH unique and exciting is that it is the only program that provides low-income residents Read More
New State Incentives for Pro-Housing Policies Threaten Affordable Home Production
Under a new directive from the Governor who understandably wants to reward jurisdictions doing their part to help the State increase the supply of homes, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) will soon be required to award points to funding applications from “pro-housing” cities and counties for several key affordable housing programs – including the Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG), Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC), and Transformative Climate Read More
Mapping the Benefits of Affordable Housing in California
What social and economic benefits are generated when we relieve low-income families of housing insecurity and rent burden? Or when we help households move to healthier higher resource neighborhoods? How much local economic activity, job creation, and tax revenue is generated when we build and preserve affordable housing? To help answer these questions, the California Housing Partnership recently launched the Affordable Rental Housing Benefits Map, a one-stop, interactive mapping tool for viewing Read More
Why invest cap-and-trade funds in Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities
As a member of the campaign’s advisory committee, I am excited to announce the launch of the investAHSC campaign website to advocate for the Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program’s continued funding through the State of California’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. With its first three funding rounds, AHSC has invested more than $701 million statewide to build affordable housing for 6,443 families, reduce 1.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide Read More
New Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) Multifamily Report Assesses Cap-and-Trade Program Benefits
This report published by the California Housing Partnership and the Association for Energy Affordability presents new findings on the climate and community benefits delivered by the Cap-and-Trade-funded Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) Multifamily since its launch in 2016. The report finds that LIWP Multifamily has delivered on its ambitious goals, including: Statewide impact: The program has committed $54.4 million to invest in 90 properties across 19 counties in disadvantaged and farmworker communities across the state. Read More
Affordable Housing Production Stagnant Despite Recent Advances; One in Three Households Unable to Afford Housing and Basic Living Costs in California
A new report from the California Housing Partnership shows that recent state initiatives designed to stimulate production of more affordable rental housing have yet to make a significant impact in reducing the shortfall of 1.4 million affordable homes needed or in housing the 130,000 Californians experiencing homelessness on any given night. California Housing Partnership CEO Matt Schwartz says, “It is unacceptable that one in three California households cannot afford to live here. The Read More
Virtual Net Energy Metering 101: GREEN Talk Shares Impacts and Challenges for Owners
Virtual Net Energy Metering (VNEM) has been a requirement for many California solar programs including the Low Income Weatherization Program (LIWP), Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) and Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) which incentivizes a significant portion of tenant solar PhotoVoltaic (PV) system loads in multifamily affordable housing properties. The California Housing Partnership hosted a GREEN Talk on October 17, 2018 with the discussion focused on VNEM tariffs and some Read More
2019 – A Happier New Year for Affordable Housing in California
As we head into the first full week of 2019, I wanted to share five reasons why I am feeling optimistic about the state of affordable housing in California: 1. California’s own Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives last week. While she can’t take us back in time to pass the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act of 2017 bill or change the Senate or White House leadership that have resulted in the Read More
New AHSC Report Assesses Cap-and-Trade Housing Program Benefits
Today, the California Housing Partnership and Enterprise Community Partners published a report that uses newly available data to assess the climate and community benefits delivered by the Cap-and-Trade-funded Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program through its first three funding rounds. To date, the program has awarded $701 million to 77 location-efficient developments across the state that combine affordable housing and transportation infrastructure. The report finds that AHSC has largely delivered on the ambitious goals set by the Read More
GREEN Updates: New Funding Opportunities and Policies
The California Housing Partnership continues to engage with public agencies and electric utilities to ensure that multifamily affordable housing properties have the necessary resources to meet ongoing energy, water and climate requirements. This digest highlights funding opportunities and shares program and policy updates. PROGRAMS Funding for Energy Efficiency, Solar and Energy Storage CPUC’s Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Program (SOMAH) California Housing Partnership is helping to implement the California Public Read More
Governor Signs SB 1477: Incentives for New Low-Emissions Affordable Homes
During the Global Climate Summit last week, the Governor signed SB 1477 (Stern), which will incentivize low-emissions technologies for affordable housing. SB 700 (Weiner), which will incentivize energy storage, is currently on the Governor’s desk. Recognizing that we need climate solutions that support new affordable housing, the California Housing Partnership worked with housing, energy equity, environmental and industry organizations on these two bills. In May, the California Energy Commission mandated that Read More
Partnership Chosen to Ensure Equitable Solar Access on California Multifamily Affordable Housing
The California Housing Partnership is part of a team of leading clean energy and affordable housing organizations in California to run the new Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) initiative will provide up to $100 million annually for 10 years to fund solar energy installations on multifamily housing serving low-income and disadvantaged communities throughout the state, with a goal to help reduce energy bills for residents. Read More
GREEN Updates: Programs and Policies on Energy Efficiency and Solar
In my previous blog on GREEN updates, I highlighted new funding opportunities in sustainable housing, upcoming programs, and policy changes. The California Housing Partnership wants to ensure that multifamily affordable housing properties have the necessary resources to meet ongoing building and climate requirements. This digest continues with program and policy updates including building codes and Time of Use electricity rates, and highlights funding opportunities for energy efficiency and solar improvements. PROGRAMS Funding for Energy Read More
5 Things Affordable Housing Owners should know about Default TOU Electricity Rates
Starting in 2019 and 2020, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) will move its residential customers to default Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity rates. With TOU rates, electricity prices vary throughout the day and are most expensive during the early evening. These prices impact operating budgets, household bills and cost-savings for energy improvements at a property. This transition may adversely impact low-income renters if Read More
GREEN Updates: New Funding Opportunities and Policies
The California Housing Partnership continues to engage with public agencies and electric and water utilities to ensure that multifamily affordable housing properties have the necessary resources to meet ongoing building and climate requirements. This digest highlights funding opportunities and shares policy and program updates on sustainable housing. Tweet PROGRAMS Funding for Energy Efficiency, Solar and Energy Storage LADWP’s Board of Commissioners Approve $100M for Low-Income Multifamily Housing The advocacy of Read More
GREEN Talk: Best Practices on Solar Energy Investments in Affordable Housing
Investing in solar energy systems for affordable housing properties continues to be a critical opportunity and issue for nonprofit housing owners and public housing authorities throughout California. The California Housing Partnership hosted a GREEN Talk on May 30, 2018 with discussion focused on solar operations and maintenance. Our three esteemed presenters touched on issues of performance monitoring, financing models, buy-back due diligence and proactive maintenance. They shared best practices for affordable Read More
Climate Resilience Starts at Home
Originally published in the California Adaptation Forum, April 19, 2018 Californians have suffered a devastating year of climate change impacts, ranging from wildfires to deadly heat waves. In communities where extreme heat is becoming the norm, rising energy costs threaten the health of children and seniors as families struggle to pay their utility bills. Low-income Californians pay the highest percentage of their income on energy bills, and these energy burdens are Read More
Thank You California Members of Congress for Supporting Affordable Housing
This week, California Housing Partnership joined affordable housing advocates nationally to thank our members of Congress for supporting the recent 12.5% increase in the 9% Housing Credit program and a 10% increase in the FY 2018 HUD budget. While this omnibus is a much needed boost to offset federal cuts in these programs, as our recent report makes clear, there is still much work ahead of us. Tweet It Read More
Spending Bill Increases LIHTC and Affordable Housing Funding for FY2018
Dear Colleagues: Below are my highlights from the FY 2018 federal spending bill that was finalized yesterday by Congressional leaders. I am pleased to report that thanks to the heroic efforts of our national advocate allies and several members of our state’s Congressional delegation, there is relatively good news to share: The bill includes language allowing Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) properties to convert under RAD, a Read More
Why Congress Must Act NOW to Restore the Value of the Housing Credit
The U.S. House of Representatives is negotiating final changes to the March 23rd 2018-19 spending bill as I write, meaning that the last chance to affect the contents of the House proposal, including fixes to problems created by the GOP Tax Bill, is likely TODAY. While the Senate will have a lot to say about what the final spending bill looks like, fixing the House bill is the best way to Read More
Solar energy savings coming to affordable housing residents
Low-income renters will get a break in their electricity bills—and a foot in the door to California’s clean energy economy—thanks to the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program. Under a proposal recently approved by the California Public Utilities Commission, the program will create incentives for rooftop solar installations that benefit tenants at multifamily affordable rental housing properties. It will also bring renewable energy, bill savings and quality jobs to communities Read More
Last Chance to Save Affordable Housing Bonds and Tax Credits
Now that the U.S. Senate has approved its own tax reform bill replete with hastily scribbled hand-written notes, which you can read here, Congress has entered the final stage in which the Senate and House will attempt to reconcile differences between their two bills through a conference committee. While significant differences between the two bills remain, all expectations are that they won’t be enough to stop the leaders from the majority Read More
New Senate Tax Reform Bill Released; Call for Action in the House
Senate Finance Committee Chair Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) released his modifications to the tax reform bill last night having just added a provision that repeals the Obamacare individual mandate to generate approximately $330 billion in savings over 10 years to pay for the 20% corporate tax rate they are desperately trying to achieve. (Unlike the House, the Senate is bound by the Byrd Rule to demonstrate that the bill will not increase Read More
ACTION NEEDED: Tell Congress to Restore Private Activity Bonds & 4% Housing Credits!
I am writing you from Washington, D.C. to alert you that there is a time-sensitive effort today being led by Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL-14th), who is co-chair of Congressional Municipal Finance Caucus, to restore Private Activity Bonds in the House tax reform bill, H.R.1. My October 27th blog described the damage that will be done to California if the Republican House tax reform proposal eliminates tax exempt private activity bonds (PABs) including multifamily housing bonds, thereby Read More
Message to Housing Advocates: Don’t Panic. Push Back with Facts, Stories and Emotion
My October 27th blog described the damage that will be done to California if the Republican House tax reform proposal eliminates tax exempt private activity bonds (PABs) including multifamily housing bonds, thereby also eliminating California’s ability to use 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits. Unfortunately, the draft bill released by House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) last week as H.R.1 eliminates PABs and therefore 4% Housing Credits, which I Read More
Solar Financing 101: CHPC GREEN Talk Highlights Solar Financing Options and Lessons
Last month, 20 nonprofit developers joined a California Housing Partnership Corporation (CHPC) Green Rental Home Energy Efficiency Network (GREEN) “Talk” to learn the basics of solar financing, and hear from other developers who are actually using these financing tools. Panelists for the talk included solar experts from GRID Alternatives, and three developers—Mercy Housing, Eden Housing, and National Housing Trust—who provided their practical expertise. Below, you will find the highlights from this Read More
AB 693 Proposed Decision Released
Good news – the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) finally released its Proposed Decision to implement Assembly Bill 693 creating the $1 billion Solar on Multifamily Affordable Homes (SOMAH) program for affordable rental properties located in investor-owned utility territories! As a reminder, the CPUC is in the process of establishing guidelines for the SOMAH program, which will provide up to $100 million in incentives per year for 10 years, depending on cap and trade Read More
Matt/CHPC LIHTC Federal Advocacy Action Alert
Saving the Low Income Housing Tax Credit: Now is the Time More than 325,000 lower income California households are currently living in apartments produced and made affordable through federal Low Income Housing TaxCredits (Housing Credits) authorized by Congress 30 years ago. More than 7 million Californians will directly benefit from these affordable apartments over the next 50 years thanks to these federal Housing Credits. After years of talk, the U.S. Senate Read More
Capturing Water Savings Through On-Bill Financing: Lessons from BRIDGE Housing
CHPC’s water affordability initiative works to increase access to water conservation resources for the nonprofit multifamily affordable rental housing owners and the lower-income tenants they serve in California. Below is the fifth in a series of reports on leaders, best practices, and emerging trends in water conservation for affordable housing. Finding ways to pay for energy efficiency and water retrofits can be a challenge for owners of affordable rental housing Read More
State Adds $100M to AHSC NOFA
It isn’t often possible to change the thinking of state officials tasked with the job of spending Cap-and-Trade funds governed by complex and overlapping regulations and statutes. Not to mention when it must be done under the ever-watchful eye of the state Department of Finance. But I give huge credit to Strategic Growth Council (SGC) Executive Director Randall Winston for being open to a request first made by the California Housing Partnership on Read More
New Tax Credit Regs Make Progress, More to be Done
The California Housing Partnership Supports State Efforts to Increase Access to Opportunity for Low-Income Families, but Funding Regulations Must Reflect Cost Premium Developers Face in Higher Resource Areas. Low-income families in California, particularly those of color, have for decades faced a landscape of constrained choice when it comes to finding a place to live. Discriminatory policies and land use decisions have restricted these families’ access to high-resource areas that are most Read More
Addressing California’s housing crisis: Invest in our Communities
It’s not news that our state has an affordable housing crisis. The California Housing Partnership has consistently documented the shortage of affordable homes in every county of the state and shown that the gap has grown each year. Californians feel the impacts directly, for ourselves, our families, and the people in our communities. It’s also no mystery how we got here. When the state stopped investing in affordable housing for our Read More
New Grant to Document Displacement of Low-Income People of Color in the Bay Area
The California Housing Partnership is pleased to announce a $100,000, one-year grant from The San Francisco Foundation to document the relationship between rental housing affordability and patterns of displacement, segregation, and unequal access to opportunity for low-income people of color in the Bay Area since 2000. The Urban Displacement Project at UC Berkeley will be our partner on this project, which will conclude with publication of our findings in spring 2018. Read More
Efficiency Opportunities in Common Area Laundry Facilities – a discussion with Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future
CHPC’s water affordability initiative works to increase access to water conservation resources for the nonprofit multifamily affordable rental housing sector in California. Below is the fourth article in a GREEN series focused on leaders, best practices, and emerging trends for water conservation in affordable housing. GREEN members are responding to the drought. These are their stories. Laundry facilities are the nexus of four utilities: electric, gas, water, and wastewater. Unfortunately, owners Read More
Responding to Trump’s 2018 Budget: a California Perspective
Late last week, the White House released President Trump’s so-called “Skinny Budget” for 2018, which proposes cuts of $54 billion to domestic programs including more than $6.2 billion (13%) to HUD programs and likely deep cuts to USDA’s housing programs. In addition to eliminating the valuable Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program ($357 million for California) and making deep cuts to the already underfunded public housing capital and operating funds, the Read More
Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power Pursues “Customer First” Agenda: An interview with Commissioner William Funderburk
CHPC’s water affordability initiative works to increase access to water conservation resources for the nonprofit multifamily affordable rental housing sector in California. Below is the third article in a GREEN series focused on leaders, best practices, and emerging trends for water conservation in affordable housing. GREEN members are responding to the drought. These are their stories. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) is the largest municipal utility in the United States. Read More
Your (Interim) Guide to Getting Whole Building Energy Data
Consistent access to energy usage data is a transformative tool for reducing energy consumption at multifamily properties. Data enables building owners to target the most cost efficient energy upgrades and ensure the long-term sustainability and affordability of properties. Further, benchmarking is often a prerequisite for participating in federal and state energy efficiency and renewable incentive programs in order to establish a baseline against which realized savings can be measured. The U.S. Read More
HCD Director says California will further fair housing despite Trump
The federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 has for half a century required the State of California and other federal grantees to affirmatively further fair housing by reducing segregation and increasing access to opportunity for racial minorities and other protected classes under the Act. Last year HUD created a new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule to better enforce this duty and to provide technical guidance to grantees. However, Congressional Republicans Read More
CA Agency Recommends Low-Income Energy and Water Legislation and Task Force
On December 14, 2016, the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved the SB 350 Barriers Study mandated by Senate Bill 350 to address barriers for low-income households and disadvantaged communities to participate in energy efficiency and renewables opportunities. The purpose of the study is to identify how new legislation and joint agency efforts can establish transformative goals and policies to enable all Californians to realize the benefits of California’s transition to a clean Read More
GREEN and EEFA Develop 2017 Priorities for Energy Efficiency, Water, Renewable Energy
Sixty leaders from housing, energy, environmental, and workforce development organizations gathered in Los Angeles and San Francisco this month to help the California Housing Partnership’s Green Rental home Energy Efficiency Network (GREEN), Natural Resources Defense Council, and Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) partners set priorities for our collective energy efficiency, water and renewable energy work in California for 2017. In the New Year, GREEN-EEFA members will organize through a series of Read More
California Regulators Dedicate $80 Million to Empower Affordable Housing Owners to Play a Key Role in Meeting the State’s Energy Efficiency Goals
On November 10, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a decision that dedicates $80 million to empower government and non-profit owners of rent-restricted affordable housing to participate in Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) programs for low-income households. The Green Rental home Energy Efficiency Network (GREEN) and Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) Coalition* secured these funds and significant ESA program improvements by highlighting the program barriers that caused the four large investor-owned Read More
Self-Help Enterprises Responds to Drought in San Joaquin Valley
CHPC’s water affordability initiative works to increase access to water conservation resources for the nonprofit multifamily affordable rental housing sector in California. Below is the second article in a GREEN series focused on leaders, best practices, and emerging trends for water conservation in affordable housing. We will cover graywater reuse, high efficiency fixtures, sewer service fees, sub-metering, and landscape irrigation in urban and rural settings. GREEN members are responding to the drought. These Read More
Eden Housing “Water Warriors” Cut Water Use by 20 Percent
CHPC’s water affordability initiative works to increase access to water conservation resources for the nonprofit multifamily affordable rental housing sector in California. Below is the first article in a GREEN series focused on leaders, best practices, and emerging trends for water conservation in affordable housing. We will cover graywater reuse, high efficiency fixtures, sewer service fees, sub-metering, and landscape irrigation in urban and rural settings. GREEN members are responding to the drought. Read More
Cap-and-Trade Dollars at Work
FIRST AFFORDABLE HOUSING & SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES FUNDED DEVELOPMENT IN SILICON VALLEY BREAKS GROUND The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara (HACSC) this week celebrated the groundbreaking for its Laurel Grove Family Apartments in San José, a transit-oriented development that will provide 81 units of housing for low-income families earning between 20 percent and 50 percent of Area Median Income, with 20 units set aside as supportive housing for special Read More
Certificated State Tax Credit Bill Will Increase Equity Pricing
On June 27th, 2016, Governor Brown signed into law important changes to the State Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program that will substantially increase equity pricing for nonprofit developers of LIHTC-financed properties by allowing them to certificate state housing credits and sell them separately from federal LIHTCs. The California Housing Partnership and State Treasurer John Chiang co-sponsored and helped draft this legislation as this year’s SB 873, which was authored by Senator Jim Read More
Financing Affordable Rental Housing: A greener path ahead
Finding the money to develop rental homes affordable for low-income families has never been more difficult. The collapse of the financial markets last fall, generally attributed to systemic failures in the single-family mortgage markets, has made it extremely difficult for most developers to obtain debt and equity financing on reasonable terms. As a result, thousands of affordable apartments slated to begin construction in California in the first half of 2009 are stalled, Read More
All Utility Allowance Innovations Are Local: A look at Tulare County’s Solar UA
The Housing Authority of the County of Tulare (HACT) has developed a promising model for enabling owners of low-income affordable rental housing to finance the cost of installing solar PV systems on tenant meters. In this blog, I describe how other housing authorities can and should emulate Tulare’s innovative and yet relatively simple approach, which has the power to overcome the split incentive challenge and unduly complex administrative barriers that typically plague Read More
California “Penny Wise and Pound Foolish” When It Comes to Affordable Housing
The California Department of Finance (DOF) generally focuses only on the cost to the state of proposed new investments. Just last week they insisted that a common sense proposal by Senator Jim Beall (SB 873) should be limited to only three years because mistaken assumptions by the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) led the DOF to conclude that the change would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Never mind that when challenged by Read More
Q&A with Collin Tateishi: New Addition to CHPC’s GREEN Team
Last week, Collin Tateishi joined the California Housing Partnership as a Sustainable Housing Policy Analyst. In this new role, Collin manages CHPC’s efforts to increase access to water efficiency and conservation programs for nonprofit affordable housing owners and the low-income tenants they serve. He also supports various energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives by assisting the Green Rental Home Energy Efficiency Network (GREEN). Collin recently received a Master of Urban and Read More
UC Berkeley Study Finds New Affordable Housing Twice As Effective at Combatting Displacement of Lower-Income Families
As tens of thousands of lower-income Californian renters have been displaced from California’s growing job centers over the past five years, a debate has been raging about whether governments should do more to promote investment in affordable housing or instead focus on unshackling the private housing market. The latter theory, promoted by institutions ranging from the Legislative Analysts Office to capital market providers and even a conservative renters’ organization, has been Read More
New Reports Show the Depth of Housing Need in Nine California Counties
May 12, 2016 | Today the California Housing Partnership released reports analyzing housing needs in nine California counties (Alameda, Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange, Sacramento, San Diego, San Joaquin, San Mateo, and Ventura). The reports describe a rapid increase in rents that in combination with a dramatic decline in state and federal funding has led to a shortage of more than a million affordable homes in these nine counties. Finally, the reports Read More
CHPC Hires Research Director, Expands Policy Team
The California Housing Partnership Corporation (CHPC) is excited to announce that we have hired Stacey Murphy as our new Research Director to join Policy Analyst Danielle Mazzella in expanding our ability to support our allies in Sacramento and around the state with high quality analysis of affordable housing needs and solutions. Thanks to a grant from the California Water Foundation, we are also hiring Collin Tateishi as Policy Analyst to support a Read More
Join CHPC at our Housing CA Conference Institutes and Workshops
April 11, 2016 | The 2016 Housing California Conference kicks off tomorrow, April 12 in Sacramento. The California Housing Partnership is proud that our team of experts will be moderating and speaking in 14 workshops and institutes this year on a variety of topics including affordable housing finance and policy. We hope you will visit one or more of our hosted institutes and workshops listed below. Pre-Conference Institutes: Tuesday 4/12 1 2:00 – 5:00 Read More
35,785 Affordable Homes in California At-Risk of Conversion
Each year the California Housing Partnership uses data from our Affordable Housing Preservation Clearinghouse to present an annual summary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) subsidized housing at risk of loss of affordability in California. The California Housing Partnership collects and analyzes data from HUD and the state to assess risk of conversion to market rate for HUD-subsidized housing in California based on a number of factors and uses Read More
Using Data to inform Energy and Water Retrofits: Q&A with Tabitha Harrison at Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC)
Tenderloin Neighborhood Hood Development Corporation (TNDC) is a nonprofit affordable housing and services provider in San Francisco that owns and operates over 2,500 units of housing at 32 propertes. In recent years, TNDC staff members have ramped up energy and water usage benchmarking efforts throughout their portfolio. Tabitha Harrison joined TNDC as the Sustainability Program Manager in November 2015, where she leads sustainability-related capital improvement projects, sustainability education and outreach programs, Read More
What is Real Cost of Solar in Affordable Housing and Why Should We Care?
As we weigh the value proposition of installing solar PV’s in affordable multifamily rental properties, it is important for housing organizations to have some understanding about what the costs of solar PV are. This can be difficult because there has been very little transparency about the real costs of solar, especially for installations financed through third-party ownership structures, such as Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), and raises a few cautions for affordable Read More
Is 2016 the Year Solar Reaches Low-Income Renters?
Looking back on 2015, several game changing events occurred or were put in play that will enhance solar access and improve the economics of solar investments for affordable housing organizations for years to come. To recap, a big highlight of 2015 was the enactment of the AB 693. AB 693 was introduced by Majority Caucus Leader Susan Eggman (Assembly District 13) and supported by a diverse coalition of environmental justice, solar, Read More
Some Good News From Congress, Finally!
Here in California we have gotten all too used to bad news coming from Congress when it comes to renewing annual funding of the remaining federal affordable housing programs. Thus, it comes as quite a relief that as Congress scrambles to complete its already delayed work on federal Fiscal Year 2016 funding, that the news is less bad than previously forecast. Lest we get carried away into thinking that the anti-government Read More
Introducing the CHPC News Blog
Welcome to our new blog! Along with our new website, CHPC is launching a blog to allow us to put out more frequent communication with our partners. We hope you all subscribe to our newsletter, which holds a mix of in-depth case studies, policy updates, and calls to action. Our blog will feature these things as well, but will also be a place for more casual conversation about the affordable housing Read More