This memo summarizes the policy, data and spatial analysis that Reconnecting America (RA) and the California Housing Partnership Corporation (CHPC) completed for the City of San Jose, with the aim of identifying the affordable housing reservation need near transit in San Jose. The memo also includes a set of recommendations for consideration by the City of San Jose Department of Housing.
This work was funded through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission by the Housing the Workforce Initiative of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Regional Prosperity Plan. In addition, CHPC is under contract with the City of San Jose Department of Housing to perform analysis and outreach on the City’s existing federally subsidized affordable housing properties, identify the risk of losing that housing through expiring subsidy contracts, affordability agreements and mortgages, as well as identify the ratio of restricted rents to market rents, the properties’ physical condition, and the owners’ sophistication and capacity. CHPC’s work was integrated into the overall analysis and is explained in the first section of the memo.